You can use this free version only for personal use. You don’t need to download it on your PC. This font contains an online generator tool that can use for any type of design free of cost. It looks a bit more suitable for a body text because someone refers to it as ‘The thinking man’s Helvetica Font’. That’s why it is suitable for many types of jobs. This is a font family that comprises a wide variety of weights and styles. This font best goes with the pairing of Bembo Font for creating astonishing designs. The United Kingdom is using Univers font in their testing and exams, preferred for the clear difference between similar characters such as I and 1. This font was used in one of the best technology as apple laptop keyboards until switching to the AVG rounded typeface in 2007. Univers fonts have been used in numerous applications, corporate branding, maps, signage, standard testing, and consumer electronics devices. The design theory of Univers was planned to take benefits of the latest technology of phototypesetting, in which fonts were kept as glass discs instead of solid metal type. This font permitted documents to be created in one compatible typeface for all text and creating it easier to expressive set documents in a sans-serif typeface. It was the first Font typeface families to perform the idea that a typeface should model a family of compatible and related designs. This font is available in a vast range of weights and widths. This is a remarkable font for its availability.

This font was a model of the nineteenth-century German typeface.